See what clients have to say about the process of investing in land with Marcella.
What experience did you have with your first investment?
Marcella explains land banking in a very clear and straightforward manner, and the investments are carefully vetted. Investors can see the value of their property increasing within a short timeframe.
What experience did you have working with Marcella?
Some of Marcella’s clients have said the following about the process of land banking with her and her company: she is knowledgeable, experienced and honest. Their investments are thoroughly researched.
What was the best selling point for you to invest in land?
Marcella’s clients have seen incredible returns, and increasing values on their land investment in California. The company she works with does all the research to find land in high-growth areas with tremendous growth potential, and the threshold to invest is relatively low and affordable for the average person.
What made you want to invest in land?
Marcella’s clients explain their reasons for investing in land with her. Client reasons for investing include: peace of mind in retirement, diversifying their portfolio, and leaving a legacy for their children.
What were your goals for investing in land?
Land banking is a way Marcella’s clients can: diversify their portfolios, leave a legacy for their children, and increase their wealth without having to manage it. The value of land increases without you having to worry about it.
What advice would you give to other people interested in land?
Client advice on land banking includes: taking the time to sit down with Marcella and really understand the value of land banking in California. It’s a non-traditional way of increasing your wealth.