Contact Us Today

Please keep in mind that we have a lot of investor clients that we’re working with and if you’re asking quick questions about land banking or what is it we do request that you watch the free webinar first. It will explain everything.

If you have questions about how to book Marcella as a speaker, if you’re already on our email list and want to talk about getting started with investing or if you’re one of our referral partners, we DO want to hear from you and speak with you. Please fill out the form below and you’ll be taken to our calendar to schedule or we’ll just be in touch via email or phone. Thank you!

Marcella Silva, SF Bay Area Regional Manager and Certified Land Banking Specialist at Velur Real Estate Services, Inc.

Address:  PO Box 2704, Livermore, CA 94551

Email: marcella at dirt is gold dot com or fill in the form!

CA DRE License #1474001

"Today's Dirt is Tomorrow's Gold"

Hear What They're Saying:

What experience did you have with your first investment?

“Marcella explains land banking in a very clear and straightforward manner, and the investments are carefully vetted. Investors can see the value of their property increasing within a short timeframe.”

What experience did you have working with Marcella?

“She is knowledgeable, experienced and honest. Their investments are thoroughly researched.”

What was the best selling point for you to invest in land?

“Marcella’s clients have seen incredible returns, and increasing values on their land investment in California. The company she works with does all the research to find land in high-growth areas with tremendous growth potential, and the threshold to invest is relatively low and affordable for the average person.”